Thursday, May 31, 2007

Chapter 7

Chapter Seven ***

1. Explain what Pony means when he says Soda "reminds me of a colt" on p. 101.2. What condition is Johnny in after the fire?
When Pony says that Soda "reminds me of a colt" he means that Soda enjoys things that are action-packed and exciting. a colt is like a horse. When exciting things happen like this, colts are the first ones to see whats going on, Soda does the same thing.

2. What condition is Johnny in after the fire?
Johnny was in critical condition and suffered from 3rd degree burns from he fire. His back had been broken when the peice of large wood fell on him. there is a high chance he might not survive.

3. Why would being crippled be worse for Johnny than someone else?
If Johnny would be crippled, it would be the worst because he has gone through so much, being abused by his father to being jumped by the socs to murdering someone, Johnny has been through TOO much for such a young kid and he is a good sensative kid and deserves better.

4. "Maybe people are younger when they are asleep" (p.104). what do you think about this comment?
The comment, "maybe people are younger when they are asleep" makes me think of how quiet and helpless a person is when they are asleep, like a baby. when the person is awake they are full of energy and loud and crazy. but when you sleep you are restoring your energy and peacefully sitting still.

5. What is a juvenile delinquent (p. 107)?
Find a definition on the internet, in a dictionary, or create your own based on your own knowledge.
JUVENILE DELINQUENT: a young person or minor who commits criminal offenses, vandalism, violence and cant not be controlled by parental authority.

IN MY OWN WORDS: to me a juvenile delinquent is a young child who is going in the wrong path. Either they dont know right from wrong or they do and is just asking for attention and they act out to get that attention. If kids like this don't get help they could grow up to be a bad criminal.

6. Why would Two-Bit think Johnny, Dally, and Pony were heroes all along; before they saved the kids?
Two-Bit thought of Johnny Dally and Pony as heroes before they saved those kids because he knew that they had it in them all along. After all the things that they have done for the gang. They all have qualities that make a hero, and Two-Bit knows them so much that he knew they were heroes all along.

7. What was Bob's 'real' problem, according to Randy (p.116)?
According to Randy, Bob's "real" problem is his parents. Bob was a good kid, good looking, good grades but His parents gave into him all the time. They always thought things were their fault and thought their son was too perfect to screw up. He would to do something so bad that other parents would flip, but his parents did nothing to him and blamed themselves. This made Bob do even more stupid things and ended up in his death.

8. Why did Pony think it was better to see socs as "just guys" on p. 118? What do you think he means by this?
Pony would rather see the Socs as "just guys" because that makes it seem like they are all the same. They are all just humans with problems and hard times. This made the Socs seem more real, that they had something in common with the Greasers. Socs are still Socs and Greasers are still Greasers, but they both have feelings, they both need someone to talk to and someone to love them. But their both just people, they both only human. Every single one of us is only human after all. Pony means that when the Socs are "just guys" they aren't Socs anymore. They aren't people who hate the Greasers and who the Greasers hate. When they are "just guys" everyone can relax.

Chapter 6

Chapptterr Six *

Vocabulary: Find the meaning of the following word from this chapter and use it in a sentence correctly.

p. 88 completly confused, unaware, or puzzled.

Hayley was playing soccer one day with Rayann and then a girl from the other team schooled hayley and then Rayann came out of nowhere and kicked it over real far and scored. Hayley was left with a bewildered expression on her face as rayann jumped and danced around the feild.

1. Do you think Dally's parents have influenced the way he is; his personality? Explain.
Yes, I strongly do think that Dally's parents have influenced his personality. I think this because Dally, not having his parents around made it hard for him to deal with things, and he never really learned right from wrong. He had to live by himself, therefore making him hard and tough all the time. His parents didn't care about him, so that made it hard for him to care about anything else. This attitude made him get in trouble with the law, relationships and with school.

2. Why doesn't Dally want Johnny to turn himself in?
Dally doesn't want Johnny to turn himself in because he doesn't want Johnny to get hurt. Dally has experience in this type of situation. Being in jail can be very hard and for someone as sensitive as Johnny, it might affect him for the rest of his life. Dally says that you get "hardened" in jail. you have to become tougher to survive and your personality changes. Dally doesn't want jail to change him, like it did to himself. Plus Johnny had already gone through enough with his parents abusing him and Johnny being jumped and all. Dally loved Johnny too much to have him go through all that hardship, thats way too much for a 16 year old.

3. What "other side" of Dallas is revealed in this chapter?
The other side of Dally that is revealed in this chapter is the more sensitive and heartful side. Dally comes off as this though person who doesn't care and can take on anything. When he talks to Johnny and Pony about his time in jail and what it does to you, his softer-side comes out. We learn that Dally isn't just a crazy unsensative machine, hes an actual human being with emotions and feelings. This was a shock for Johnny and Pony because they've only ever seen the tough side of Johnny.

4. What's your own definition of a hero? Do the three boys prove themselves to be heroes, according to your definition? Explain.
My definition of a hero is someone who risks their own life to try and save someone elses, putting others before themselves. Someone who knows what the right thing to do is, and they do it.
I think that Pony, Johnny and Dally are the definatly my definition of a hero. They risked their own lives to try and save the children in the burning church. They were fearless and tried to save others. they put themselves aside and focused on others in danger.If it wasn't for them, the kids would have died. They are true heroes.

5. Why do you think Johnny wasn't scared, despite the obvious danger, on page 92?
I think that Johnny wasn't scared, despite the obvious danger because he was too focused on what he had to do, being scared was his last thought. Ever since he had gotten jumped, he'd been to scared to do anything. but now he was in this burning building with nothing to do but save the children that needed help. He had so much adrenaline running through his body, he just wanted to enjoy it. He wasn't scared for the same reason as Pony, there was no time to be scared. No time to think, the only thing they had time for was to get everyone out.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Chapter 5

Chapter Five *

Vocabulary: Find the meaning for the following words and write one paragraph that uses all 6 words correctly.

reluctantly p. 71, unwillingly, opposing
sullen p. 73, showing irritation or ill humor
eluded p. 78, to avoid or escape by being clever, fast and tricky
imploringly p. 72, to beg urgently for aid or mercy
gallant p. 76, brave and spirited
indignant p. 80, angered at somthing.

Sadie was a rebel at school and never handed things on time, one day her mom gave her a warning saying that if she got another failing grade on her test she wouldn't be able to go to the concert comming up this weekend. Usually Sadie would ignore her mother but this time she was ingidnant and was imploringly asking her mom if she could go, her mom didn't budge. Sadie was known for her eluding plans since she was so gallant when it came to rebellion. the next day Sadie pretended she was sick but her sullen personality didn't get past her mom. so she had to go to school and then she reluctantly handed in her assignment to her teacher. Her teacher, Mr.Wallace was suprised that she had even bothered handing in an assignment so he decided to mark it right there. Sadie got a 80% on her assignment and was able to go to that crazy heavy metal concert.

1. Why does Pony have a problem with Johnny's idea to disguise themselves?
Pony has a problem with Johnny's idea to disguise themselves because Ponyboy is proud of his long greasy hair and Johnny wanted to cut it off and disguise themselves as normal country kids. Pony really wanted to keep his hair because he was also proud of being a greaser. plus his long hair looked good on him and made him look tuff.

2. What does Pony mean when he says, "I was supposed to be the deep one" (p. 75)?
Pony means when he says "I was supossed to be the deep one" because Johnny was understanding and getting more hidden meanings through the Story they were reading and Pony always thought he was the smart and deep one because everyone else was so into fighting.

3. Why does Johnny think he is a hero (p. 76)?
Do you think Dally is a hero based on what he did?

Johnny thinks that Dally is a hero because he was getting blamed by the police for something that he didn't do. His friends did the crime, but Dally was willing to take the punishment because he was a really good friend. Johnny thought he was a hero because instead of letting his friend take the blame, he saved him from getting in trouble. I also agree that Dally did a very nice thing. I think that taking the blame for something you didn't do is very compassionate. And the fact that Dally didn't without denying it and acted cool, was very heroic of him.

4. Why does Pony realize he doesn't like Dally? Can you explain what he means by this?
Pony realizes he doesn't like Dally because Dally was different from most people Pony admired. Pony liked Sodapop because he was understanding, he liked Two-Bit because of his humor, and Pony looked up to Darry for his superhero-like character and tough attitude. These were all qualities that Dally did not have. Dally was not like a made up character from a book, he was real. And thats why Ponyboy didn't like him. Dally was too real and that scared Pony.

5. Examine Robert Frost's poem, Nothing Gold can Stay. What do you think the poem is saying? How might this apply to the characters in the novel?
I think the poem is saying that cherish the moments, people, good times that you have in life because when they are gone, you'll miss them dearly since nothing lasts forever. Robert uses the leaves and trees as a metaphor to state the things that will come to an end.This might apply to the characters in the novel like Johnny and Pony because one second they were lying in the park admiring the night sky and the next second they are hiding out in an old abandoned house wishing they could stay in the park looking up at the night sky.

6. On page 78, Johnny compares Pony and his brothers to their parents. Which one of your parents are you most like? What similarities do you share?
I share a couple of things from both of my parents, but alot of people compare me to my dad the most because apparently we have the same nose, we both have a funny sense of humor, laugh at stupid things, and like to play pranks. With my mom its a little different, i may not notice it but i have some similarities to my mother aswell (not as much as my dad), we both worry alot and get annoyed at eachother when we take too long when we go shopping.

7. What does Pony mean when he says he drinks Pepsis like a friend (p.78)?
Pony means that when he drinks pepsis like a friend that he loves pepsi so much he couldn't be without it, and he spends alot of time drinking pepsi, its a metaphor because you see your friends almost everyday. So pony drinks pepsi everyday or often.

8. What's a 'heater'? Why does Dally have one?
A "heater" is slang for a gun or other firearm. Dally has one because there is a major conflict between the Socs and the Greasers. It is crazy back at the town, and Dally is going to use it to scare any Socs off. The gun isnt loaded. There is going to be a gang fight between the Socs and the Gresers. Dally needs the heater to protect himself from geting hurt or killed.

9. Why are the socs and the greasers going to fight in the vacant lot?
The Socs and the Greasers are going to have a fight in the vancant lot because of what Johnny and Pony did to Bob. The Soc they killed had alot of friends and were upset and angry about what happened. The Socs have so much anger, they'll do anything to get back at the Greasers.

10. Who's the spy for the greasers? Does this surprise you? Why or why not?

The Spy for the greasers is Cherry Valance. She is a Soc and none of the Socs would suspect her. This doesn't surprise me because Cherry had a real connection with the Greasers especially Ponyboy. Her and Pony talked the whole night and really seemed to be friends. If she would have just stayed with Bob, her boyfriend, he wouldn't be drunk and upset and might not have jumped Pony and Johnny. So Cherry might feel she might be part of the Issue. Also Cherry says that she would "fall in love with Dally Winston." This would make me think that Cherry might have a small crush on him, and if he asked for her help, she would say yes since shes in love with him.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Chapter 4

Chapter Four *

Vocabulary: Find the meaning for the following words in this chapter and write one paragraph that uses all 3 words correctly.

ruefully p. 60,
Inspiring pity or compassion.
hermit p. 65, A person who has withdrawn from society and lives an isolated life.
premonition p. 67 A warning in advance.

i had a strange premonition about my friend, she was always inside declining events to go to the mall and was acting very distant towards other people. some rumours said she was a hermit, others said she had murdered someone and was trying to hide from the fuzz, she was a very strange person with a spilt-personality but i knew she could never murder anyone. so I went over to her house and talked to her, she told me her grandfather died and thats when i ruefully thought to myself, "how could i have suspected such horrible things? i knew there was some sort of misunderstanding."

1. What does Pony mean when he says the socs were "reeling pickled" on page 54?
When Ponyboy said "the socs were reeling pickled"
reeling means Having a sensation of whirling, falling or light headedness.
pickled is a slang for being intoxicated; drunk.
So they were falling all over the place, not being aware of what they were doing.

2. What major event happens in this chapter?
the Major event that happens in this chapter is that Johnny had killed the Soc that was drowning Ponyboy, he had stabbed the soc named Bob, and now they had to run away and hide so that the cops wouldn't get them. they had help from Dally and hid in an old abandoned church in Winston.

3. How did the author foreshadow that Johnny would use his knife in Chapter 2?
The author foreshadowed that Johnny would use his knife in chapter 2 because Johnny said that he would use his knife on someone if he got jumped and if he really needed to. Johnny was still hurt from when he first got jumped, which was pretty bad and so he really didn't want to get hurt again. Ponyboy said ever since he got jumped, hes been more jumpier and aware of everything around him.
4. What would your advice be to Johhny and Ponyboy if they'd come to you for help instead of Dally? Explain.
If Johnny and Ponyboy would come to me for help insted of Dally, i would have no idea what to say because I have no experience in that catagory and would'nt have the best advice, Dally is more experienced and older then me, but if i had to give them advice the best thing i would tell them is to turn themselves in saying it was self-defense because if Johnny didn't kill that soc. Bob would of probably killed Pony.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Chapter 3

Chapter Three *

Vocabulary - Find the meaning for the following words in this chapter and write one paragraph that uses all 4 words correctly:

aloof p. 38 - Distant physically or emotionally; reserved
impersonally p. 38, In an impersonal manner. lacking personality.
ornery p. 39, Mean-spirited, disagreeable
resignedly p. 44
having come to accept; passive

Lucy was very aloof around her friends. she always talked to them in an impersonal manner, her friends misunderstood her for an ornery person but she was just too distant and didn't like sharing things with other people. Lucy's bestfriend Rach is very loud abnoxious boy. Rach never understood why she was always so quiet but one day she went up to Lucy.
"I dont know why your always so quiet, but thats how you are, and i like it." she said resignedly.

1. What does Cherry explain as the difference between the socs and the greasers?
Greasers are more emotional and have different values. Its not the money that seperates Greasers from Socs. Socs are Sophisticated and cool to the point of not feeling anything. nothing is real with them, its like with the Socs they are always never satisfyed with what they have and always trying to get what they want.

2. What does Ponyboy mean on p. 39 when he says "Johnny and I understood each other without saying anything"? Have you ever had a relationship with someone who you understood, or who understood you, without having to say anything?
Yes, actually i have. We know eachother so well that just by the expression on their face, or the actions we do, we know whats wrong or what they are feeling. I think Ponyboy means that him and Johnny are comfortable together, have a good relationship and have known eachother for a really long time. so they just know how they are feeling and understands just by looking at eachother.

3. When and how did Pony's parents die?
eight months ago in a car crash.

4. What happens when Pony comes home after his curfew?
When Pony comes home after his curfew Darry gets really mad because he didn't know where Pony was and was really worried, so he started yelling and screaming at pony and so Sodapop (as usual) tried standing up for Ponyboy but then Darry yelled at him too, which made pony snap and then Darry slapped Ponyboy so hard he knocked him against the door. Ponyboy got so upset he ran away to the park with Johnny. Its not the money, its the feeling.

5. Why does Johnny like it better when his father is hitting him?
Johnny likes it better when his father is hitting him because his father knows hes there and isn't pretending that he isn't. when johnny leaves its like he doesn't even exsist in his family and he feels left out, forgotten, outcasted. When Johnny's father hits him, hes acknowlegding Johnny's there. and Johnny likes it better when his Father notice's hes there.

6. At the end of the chapter, how does the author foreshadow that bad things are to come?
The author foreshadows by saying "Things got better i figured, but they couldnt get worse, i was wrong." thats saying to the reader that somthing bad is going to happen and it foreshadows negative things.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Chapter 2

Chapter Two. *

Vocabulary - Find the meaning for the following words in this chapter and write one paragraph that uses all 3 words correctly:

incredulous p. 24 - Refusing or unwilling to believe.
vaguely p.33 - lack of a decided decision or commitment; a questionable outcome.
nonchalantly p. 25 - easygoing, laid back

The boy was incredulous about his mother making him do all the chores instead of his silly sister. He thought about it vaguely and then relalized maybe it would be okay, so we walked nonchalantly to the kitchen so he could take out the garbage.

1. Who is the fuzz? (p. 20)
The "fuzz" is the police/cops. Its a slang that the greasers use so that normal people won't know who they are talking about.

2. Are the names Ponyboy and Sodapop nicknames? Explain.
No, Ponyboy and Sodapop are their real names(its on their birth-certificate). Their parents named them that because they thought it was original.

3. Who are Cherry and Marcia?
Cherry and Marcia are socs that were in the front row of the movies until dally went up to them and started bugging them. Soon after cherry and marcia got to know Ponyboy and Johnny a little bit better and they got along just fine and Ponyboy found out that all Socs we'rent really that bad, and Cherry & Marcia found out not all Greasers were that bad. :)

4. Why doesn't Ponyboy like referring to Sodapop as a dropout?
Ponyboy doesn't like referring to Sodapop as a dropout because he thought it sounded bad and made him sound like some good-for-nothing deliquinent. Ponyboy knows that Sodapop is a smart guy but Sodapop thinks differently.

5. What is Ponyboy comparing Two-Bit to when he calls him a "chessy cat" on page 27?
Ponyboy is comparing Two-Bit to the cat in the "alice in wonderland" movie, because when he smiles he has a really big grin that goes up to his eyes just like "chessy cat."

What figure of speech is this besides a simile?

alliteration, two words that start with the same sound.

6. What is "a weed" slang for in 1967?
a weed is a slang for a ciggarette in 1967.

7. Why does Dally look sick now (p. 33)? Dally looked sick now because the gangs "pet" Johnny Cade was attacked by the socs and they thought he was dead but then they went up to him and he was cut real bad, beaten half to death by the socs, was bawling his eyes out and had totally broke down and Dally had never seen him like this before which made him look sick.

8. What literary device does the author use to describe Johnny's mugging (pgs. 31-34)?

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Chapter 1

Chapter One . *

1. Describe each of the characters in this chapter and their relationship with one another.

  • Ponyboy:
    -Long light brown reddish hair
    -the youngest in the gang
    -greenish grey eyes
    -Sodapop & Darry's younger brother
    -14 years old
    - smart, quiet
    - both of his parents died
    - doesn't like Steve Randall
    - thinks that Darry hates him

  • Sodapop:
    - 16 going on 17
    - good looking and handsome
    - dropped out of highschool
    - nice/happy/caring
    - smiles alot
    - funny
    - protects ponyboy
    - best friends with Steve Randall
    - wants to marry sandy (his girlfriend)

  • Darry (Darrel):
    - 20 years old
    - cold grey eyes
    - mean
    - intimidating
    - big and like his father
    - too poor to go to college for his football schollarship
    - works alot to support his gang

  • Two-Bit Matthews (Keith):
    - 18 1/2 years old
    - "Two Sensed"
    - opinated
    - shoplifter
    - criminal
    - likes to cause trouble
    - very funny
    - likes school
    - fighter

    Steve Randal:
    -17 years old
    - tall and lean
    - best friends with Sodapop
    - greasy hair
    - likes cars- got arrested at 1o

    Johnny Cade:
    - second youngest
    - smallest
    - jumpy
    - like a small puppy dog thats been kicked too often
    - is abused by his parents
    - his parents dont care about him
    - black hair
    - nervous/suspicious/shy
    - got attacked by the 'socs'

  • Dally (Dallas Winston):
    -elfish face
    - pointy chin
    - white blonde hair
    - likes to draw
    - got arrested at 10
    - likes to break the rules
    - bad reputation
    - looks like a cat

2. Who are the Socs? Who are the Greasers?

Socs (Socials)
- gang of social class kids
- lives on the west-side
- rich kids

- hates the greasers
- have crazy drinking parties
- have nice cars, clothes, education

- gang of poor kids
- lives on the east-side
- poor kids
- steal things
- drive old cars
- greasy hair
- hates the socials
- long hair

3. How do Ponyboy's relationships with Darry and Sodapop differ? Explain.
Ponyboy's relationship with Darry and Sodapop are different because Ponyboy and Sodapop are always talking to eachother and are much closer, Ponyboy feels that Sodapop is the only one who he can communicate with and laugh with. Sodapop is always sticking up for Ponyboy if anyone yells at him. Darry and Ponyboy's relationship is more quieter and colder, Darry makes Ponyboy feel like he isn't wanted and that Darry doesn't care about him. he feels that darry isn't sorry for anything he does. Darry's always pushing him to do better in school, and has changed alot since their mom and dad had died.

4. Why is the 'gang' important to Johnny?
The 'gang' is important to Johnny because Johnny was abused at home and still is. His parents dont care about him and feels like he has nobody else to turn to since he's been so hurt. The Gang gives him a chance to feel love and affection from his friends. One time Johnny got attacked by the Socs real bad, and the gang came in to get him help. the gang was always behind him when he got into touble and he wouldn't be there if the gang wasn't with him.

5. How does Ponyboy react to what Sodapop tells him about Darry?
Sodapop tells Ponyboy about Darry actually being proud of him because hes so brainy and loves him alot, he reacts by just going with the flow with Sodapop when secretly he doesn't believe him.

6. Do you think Darry loves Ponyboy? Why does he treat Ponyboy the way he does? Darry loves Ponyboy because he's his brother. Hes only treating Ponyboy the way he does because he is protective and wants him to turn out into a better person then just a greaser, or a dropout or some kind of deliqinuent. He might be trying to toughen up Ponyboy to be a stronger person.

7. What does Ponyboy mean on page 8 when he says, "I lie to myself all the time"? Do you ever lie to yourself? Why?
What Ponyboy means when he says, "I lie to myself all the time" is that , for example if he knows somthing goes wrong he'll try to think the opposite and the positive aspects in the situation. I lie to myself sometimes too if i feel im in a really bad situation, i would think to myself that nothing happend when really it did to make me feel better.