Thursday, May 17, 2007

Chapter 1

Chapter One . *

1. Describe each of the characters in this chapter and their relationship with one another.

  • Ponyboy:
    -Long light brown reddish hair
    -the youngest in the gang
    -greenish grey eyes
    -Sodapop & Darry's younger brother
    -14 years old
    - smart, quiet
    - both of his parents died
    - doesn't like Steve Randall
    - thinks that Darry hates him

  • Sodapop:
    - 16 going on 17
    - good looking and handsome
    - dropped out of highschool
    - nice/happy/caring
    - smiles alot
    - funny
    - protects ponyboy
    - best friends with Steve Randall
    - wants to marry sandy (his girlfriend)

  • Darry (Darrel):
    - 20 years old
    - cold grey eyes
    - mean
    - intimidating
    - big and like his father
    - too poor to go to college for his football schollarship
    - works alot to support his gang

  • Two-Bit Matthews (Keith):
    - 18 1/2 years old
    - "Two Sensed"
    - opinated
    - shoplifter
    - criminal
    - likes to cause trouble
    - very funny
    - likes school
    - fighter

    Steve Randal:
    -17 years old
    - tall and lean
    - best friends with Sodapop
    - greasy hair
    - likes cars- got arrested at 1o

    Johnny Cade:
    - second youngest
    - smallest
    - jumpy
    - like a small puppy dog thats been kicked too often
    - is abused by his parents
    - his parents dont care about him
    - black hair
    - nervous/suspicious/shy
    - got attacked by the 'socs'

  • Dally (Dallas Winston):
    -elfish face
    - pointy chin
    - white blonde hair
    - likes to draw
    - got arrested at 10
    - likes to break the rules
    - bad reputation
    - looks like a cat

2. Who are the Socs? Who are the Greasers?

Socs (Socials)
- gang of social class kids
- lives on the west-side
- rich kids

- hates the greasers
- have crazy drinking parties
- have nice cars, clothes, education

- gang of poor kids
- lives on the east-side
- poor kids
- steal things
- drive old cars
- greasy hair
- hates the socials
- long hair

3. How do Ponyboy's relationships with Darry and Sodapop differ? Explain.
Ponyboy's relationship with Darry and Sodapop are different because Ponyboy and Sodapop are always talking to eachother and are much closer, Ponyboy feels that Sodapop is the only one who he can communicate with and laugh with. Sodapop is always sticking up for Ponyboy if anyone yells at him. Darry and Ponyboy's relationship is more quieter and colder, Darry makes Ponyboy feel like he isn't wanted and that Darry doesn't care about him. he feels that darry isn't sorry for anything he does. Darry's always pushing him to do better in school, and has changed alot since their mom and dad had died.

4. Why is the 'gang' important to Johnny?
The 'gang' is important to Johnny because Johnny was abused at home and still is. His parents dont care about him and feels like he has nobody else to turn to since he's been so hurt. The Gang gives him a chance to feel love and affection from his friends. One time Johnny got attacked by the Socs real bad, and the gang came in to get him help. the gang was always behind him when he got into touble and he wouldn't be there if the gang wasn't with him.

5. How does Ponyboy react to what Sodapop tells him about Darry?
Sodapop tells Ponyboy about Darry actually being proud of him because hes so brainy and loves him alot, he reacts by just going with the flow with Sodapop when secretly he doesn't believe him.

6. Do you think Darry loves Ponyboy? Why does he treat Ponyboy the way he does? Darry loves Ponyboy because he's his brother. Hes only treating Ponyboy the way he does because he is protective and wants him to turn out into a better person then just a greaser, or a dropout or some kind of deliqinuent. He might be trying to toughen up Ponyboy to be a stronger person.

7. What does Ponyboy mean on page 8 when he says, "I lie to myself all the time"? Do you ever lie to yourself? Why?
What Ponyboy means when he says, "I lie to myself all the time" is that , for example if he knows somthing goes wrong he'll try to think the opposite and the positive aspects in the situation. I lie to myself sometimes too if i feel im in a really bad situation, i would think to myself that nothing happend when really it did to make me feel better.


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Thank You So Much!
I am reading this in my English class and this really helped me!

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