Thursday, May 31, 2007

Chapter 6

Chapptterr Six *

Vocabulary: Find the meaning of the following word from this chapter and use it in a sentence correctly.

p. 88 completly confused, unaware, or puzzled.

Hayley was playing soccer one day with Rayann and then a girl from the other team schooled hayley and then Rayann came out of nowhere and kicked it over real far and scored. Hayley was left with a bewildered expression on her face as rayann jumped and danced around the feild.

1. Do you think Dally's parents have influenced the way he is; his personality? Explain.
Yes, I strongly do think that Dally's parents have influenced his personality. I think this because Dally, not having his parents around made it hard for him to deal with things, and he never really learned right from wrong. He had to live by himself, therefore making him hard and tough all the time. His parents didn't care about him, so that made it hard for him to care about anything else. This attitude made him get in trouble with the law, relationships and with school.

2. Why doesn't Dally want Johnny to turn himself in?
Dally doesn't want Johnny to turn himself in because he doesn't want Johnny to get hurt. Dally has experience in this type of situation. Being in jail can be very hard and for someone as sensitive as Johnny, it might affect him for the rest of his life. Dally says that you get "hardened" in jail. you have to become tougher to survive and your personality changes. Dally doesn't want jail to change him, like it did to himself. Plus Johnny had already gone through enough with his parents abusing him and Johnny being jumped and all. Dally loved Johnny too much to have him go through all that hardship, thats way too much for a 16 year old.

3. What "other side" of Dallas is revealed in this chapter?
The other side of Dally that is revealed in this chapter is the more sensitive and heartful side. Dally comes off as this though person who doesn't care and can take on anything. When he talks to Johnny and Pony about his time in jail and what it does to you, his softer-side comes out. We learn that Dally isn't just a crazy unsensative machine, hes an actual human being with emotions and feelings. This was a shock for Johnny and Pony because they've only ever seen the tough side of Johnny.

4. What's your own definition of a hero? Do the three boys prove themselves to be heroes, according to your definition? Explain.
My definition of a hero is someone who risks their own life to try and save someone elses, putting others before themselves. Someone who knows what the right thing to do is, and they do it.
I think that Pony, Johnny and Dally are the definatly my definition of a hero. They risked their own lives to try and save the children in the burning church. They were fearless and tried to save others. they put themselves aside and focused on others in danger.If it wasn't for them, the kids would have died. They are true heroes.

5. Why do you think Johnny wasn't scared, despite the obvious danger, on page 92?
I think that Johnny wasn't scared, despite the obvious danger because he was too focused on what he had to do, being scared was his last thought. Ever since he had gotten jumped, he'd been to scared to do anything. but now he was in this burning building with nothing to do but save the children that needed help. He had so much adrenaline running through his body, he just wanted to enjoy it. He wasn't scared for the same reason as Pony, there was no time to be scared. No time to think, the only thing they had time for was to get everyone out.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

In #3, there's a typo in the last word... It should be "Dally" or "Dallas"... not "Johnny."